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Tunes of the moment:
(More) Led Zeppelin
A lovely tune, and the most satisfactory fruit, too. Easy to peel without getting all juicy, consistently tasty when in season. Sometimes a bit pithy I spose. Not to be confused with the nectarine, which is inedible. Marv?
The Stone Roses
Ten Storey Love Song
All the "cool" people at Sixth Form liked the Stones Roses, which put me right off. I was too busy listening to Eric Clapton. Oh dear. But 15 years later, they were the soundtrack to The Shoogventure. I like this one for the lyrics, and the way the chorus sort of ebbs and flows and sounds real irregular, but in fact it isn't really. Waterfall is nice too. It has the word "brigantine" in it, which Dan explained is a type of ship.
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